Knee Decompression

Knee Pain relief without surgury

Knee Decompression at Physio Pros Oakville and Bolton

What is Knee Decompression?

Knee decompression is a non-invasive therapeutic technique designed to alleviate pain and discomfort in the knee joint by gently stretching and separating the knee structures. This method helps to reduce pressure on the cartilage, nerves, and other tissues, promoting increased blood flow and nutrient exchange within the joint.

Often used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for conditions like osteoarthritis, meniscal tears, or chronic knee pain, knee decompression can enhance mobility, decrease inflammation, and support the body’s natural healing processes. This treatment offers a safe and effective alternative for individuals seeking relief from knee pain without resorting to surgery or long-term medication use.

knee pain

What Conditions Are Treated with Knee Decompression?

Knee Decompression is highly effective in treating a variety of conditions, including:

  • Knee Osteoarthritis
  • Degenerative Meniscus
  • Knee Bursitis
  • Knee Tri-Compartmental Degeneration
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Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint condition where the protective cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones in the knee wears down over time. This leads to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility, often making everyday activities challenging.

Degenerative Meniscus

Degenerative meniscus refers to the gradual breakdown of the meniscal cartilage in the knee, typically due to aging or repetitive stress. This condition can cause pain, swelling, and a reduced range of motion, often impacting the knee’s stability.

Knee Bursitis

Knee bursitis occurs when the small fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that cushion the knee joint become inflamed. This inflammation can cause pain, swelling, and tenderness around the knee, often making movement uncomfortable.

Knee Tri-Compartmental Degeneration

Knee tri-compartmental degeneration is a severe form of osteoarthritis affecting all three compartments of the knee: the medial, lateral, and patellofemoral compartments. This condition can lead to significant pain, stiffness, and functional limitations, often requiring more advanced treatment options.

What to Expect During Knee Decompression Treatment at Physio Pros?

During knee decompression treatment at Physio Pros, you can expect a comprehensive and personalized approach designed to relieve knee pain and improve joint function. The session typically begins with an initial assessment by a trained physiotherapist who will evaluate your specific condition and tailor the treatment to your needs.

During the treatment, you’ll lie comfortably while a specialized device gently applies controlled traction to the knee joint, creating space between the bones and reducing pressure on the cartilage, nerves, and other soft tissues. This process helps to increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. The procedure is non-invasive, painless, and usually lasts around 15-30 minutes per session. 

Most patients find the experience relaxing and report a gradual improvement in pain and mobility with consistent sessions. The therapist may also combine knee decompression with other modalities like manual therapy, exercises, or ultrasound to enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

The Truth about Knee Decompression

Knee pain is the second most common cause of chronic pain, affecting millions of people every day. About one in three Americans will experience knee pain at some point in their lives, with a higher prevalence among women. 

Excess weight and sports involving repetitive knee stress are significant contributors to this widespread issue. Left untreated, knee pain can lead to joint damage, decreased mobility, and a lower quality of life. However, early intervention and treatment can prevent many of these complications

At Physio Pros, Our goal is to provide effective, cutting-edge treatments to help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Contact us today to learn more about shockwave therapy and how it can benefit you.