Knee pain relief without surgery

What Is Knee Decompression?

Knee decompression is a non-invasive therapeutic technique designed to alleviate pain and discomfort in the knee joint. It creates a gentle stretch of the knee join to reduce pressure on the cartilage, nerves, and other tissues ultimately resulting in reduced stiffness and pain relief.

It most commonly is used to treat the following conditions: knee osteoarthritis, degenerative meniscus, and meniscus injuries.

Physio Pros is the brand to trust with you knee pain. We’ve always got your back. With 300+ 5 star reviews on Google, we aim and strive for perfection with each and every patient [⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐]

Our clinic provides direct billing to all major insurance companies, so you may not have to pay out of pocket. 

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What Our Clients Say

The Truth About Knee Pain

Knee pain is the second most common cause of chronic pain, affecting millions of people every day. About one in three North Americans will experience knee pain at some point in their lives, with a higher prevalence among women. 

Excess weight and activities involving repetitive knee stress are significant contributors to this widespread issue. Left untreated, knee pain can lead to joint damage, decreased mobility, and a lower quality of life. However, early intervention and treatment can prevent many of these complications

Laser Knee Decompression is a painless treatment option that provides effective pain relief to many patients who suffer with chronic knee pain. In addition to the decompression, therapeutic laser is used to penetrate deep into the joint to assist in inflammation reduction, healing, and more pain relief.

laser knee decompression bolton oakville physio pros

Your Knee Decompression Team

ivan wong physiotherapist physio pros oakville bolton

Ivan Wong

pooja chauhan physiotherapist physio pros oakville bolton

Pooja Chauhan

himalay vyas physiotherapist bolton physio pros oakville

Himalay Vyas

Raphael Kalathil physiotherapist physio pros bolton oakville​

Raphael Kalathil

paul wnuk physiotherapist physio pros oakville bolton

Paul Wnuk

What Knee Conditions Are Treated?

What to Expect During Your Treatment?